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In article >,
(Phred) wrote:

> In article >, Katra
> > wrote:
> >I _hate_ slicing fresh carrots!!!
> >Dad likes them a lot tho' so it has to be done.
> >He prefers them in bite sized chunky slices.
> >
> >If I try to slice them on the cutting board with the chef's knife,
> >they are so crisp they tend to want to "pop" off as I slice them
> >and go all over the kitchen! Crispy beasts.

> I know what you mean! ;-)
> It's worse if you simply try to cut "down" on the things. Use a
> really sharp knife and cut "across" in a slicing motion and you should
> get less scatter. (But probably still not *no* scatter.
> Cheers, Phred.

Finally! Another person that really understands! <lol>

I have found that slicing them on a slant helps a lot.

"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson