Larry G wrote:
> Just an an infomercial where they're selling this plastic-like
> bakeware called smartware made of something called "temperflex".
> Anybody tried this? Is it too good to be true? What is it really?
Hard to say "what is it really." Infomercials are not designed to
inform. I googled it and got a lot of hits for "Chef Tony," whose
other products for sale include things like 'the ultimate chopper' and
'the last knives you'll ever need.' It's always possible that the
stuff is good, but I'd be wary of anything that keeps this kind of
company. Besides, regular bakeware works fine, lasts forever, and
doesn't cost much (if you stay away from the over-engineered,
over-hyped AllClad type stuff.) So there's no problem that needs this
afaik. -aem