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Mash wrote:
> Sheldon, my dear acquaintance we shared a few e-mails when you were

> AOL perhaps you still are, and I do hope you remember that I was

> and I tried to get along with everyone.

I really don't remember you, either you didn't post very long, very
prolifically, or left no lasting impression.

>And I have created a few
> recipes in my day, perhaps not as many as some, but I have do have a
> few in my files.
> Mary

No one here has created any recipes, in fact no one on this planet has
created a recipe in perhaps 5,000 years, probably a lot longer. The
one thing every being on this planet has done since there are beings is
eat... everyone has to eat (well, except Terri)... do you have any idea
how many beings have passed through this planet throuhgout the
millenia... ****ING ZILLIONS, and ZILLIONS, and ZILLIONS... they all
had to eat and the vast majority had to cook. I can assure everyone,
there is no one alive today who can create a recipe that hasn't been
done before in some corner of the planet, zillions of times... the fact
that they are not written is of no consequence, people have been
cooking since long before there was writing, and in fact most people
who cook even today can't write a lick... and that's why recipes cannot
be copyrighted, they've all been done before.