Rick & Cyndi wrote:
> > wrote in message
> oups.com...
> > Or you can do what was suggested to me by some italian ladies.
> > Finely grate ur parmesan and the store it in the freezer and the
> > take out the right amount of already grated parmesan as you need
> > Works great.
> > But
> > remember to place ur rind in a jar of olive oil in the fridge and
> > pieces of it as a removable flavouring ingrediant when u make soup.
> > clarexican
> >
> If I can stop myself from eating the rind... that sounds like a good
> Cyndi
And tht's why I also grate part of the chunk in advance and store that
in the freezer... otherwise I'll get the munchies and scoff up the
entire wedge... I don't know of anyone who snacks on grated cheese.