One time on Usenet, Katra > said:
> I know some poorer folk in my area, and I know what they eat!
> Pasta is a mainstay because it's cheap and filling. Spagetti, with the
> cheapest ground beef they can get, boxed macaroni and cheese, Ramen
> noodles, hot dogs, lots of bread, etc. Rice, beans, corn and flour
> tortillas.
> The only really healthy food they eat is chicken hindquarters, milk,
> cheap cheese and a few fresh veggies in season as they can afford.
There's nothing inherently unhealthy about carbohydrates, regardless
of what current pop diets claim. Too much of any single macronutrient
(carbs, fats, or proteins) can be bad for you. There's a lot to be
said for the old adage about "balanced diet".
> She gets cheese on WIC for her kids. That will end soon. :-( Same for
> the milk.
That's too bad, she sounds like someone who truly needs the help...
J.J. in WA ~ mom, vid gamer, novice cook ~
"You still haven't explained why the pool is
filled with elf blood." - Frylock, ATHF