Yep, I know what you mean. I remember 25+ years ago when I started with 3
one gallon jugs. Now I start roughly 80 to 90 gallons a year and age much
of it for 2 to 3 years before bottling. You can imagine how many carboys I
have stacked around. You can imagine how many racks of bottles I have.
And, really, I do not drink that much, really. At least I don't think I do.
"Randall MacInnes" > wrote in message
> Greetings all, newbie winemaker in Atlanta here. This may not be news to
> you folks, but my local brew store can't find a supply of gallon jugs at
> reasonable costs, so he won't stock them. But while rooting around the
> clear glass bins for recycling behind the local Whole Foods grocery, I
> found a gallon juice jug for Organic All Natural Apple juice. Pastuerized,
> no preserves. Went in and found same item on shelf, $6.99.
> If you like apple cider, that's 5 gallon jugs and five gallons of cider
> for $40.00 including table sugar. I may be filling my third carboy, the
> 6.5 gallon one, within two months. I figure right now I am practising the
> practical arts of winemaking before the summer is upon me and I am up to
> my ears in fruit, so I have 3 gallons of wine from frozen concord grape
> concentrate(pitched 03-06-05) and 5 gallons of Frozen Apple Juice
> Concentrate (03-21-05).
> Jeeze this is addictive, no wonder my tee totaling granny limited herself
> to 4 20gallon batches of wine per year.