One time on Usenet, Katra > said:
> In article >,
> (Gal Called J.J.) wrote:
> > One time on Usenet, Katra > said:
> >
> > <snip>
> >
> > > I know some poorer folk in my area, and I know what they eat!
> >
> > <snip>
> >
> > > Pasta is a mainstay because it's cheap and filling. Spagetti, with the
> > > cheapest ground beef they can get, boxed macaroni and cheese, Ramen
> > > noodles, hot dogs, lots of bread, etc. Rice, beans, corn and flour
> > > tortillas.
> > >
> > > The only really healthy food they eat is chicken hindquarters, milk,
> > > cheap cheese and a few fresh veggies in season as they can afford.
> >
> > There's nothing inherently unhealthy about carbohydrates, regardless
> > of what current pop diets claim. Too much of any single macronutrient
> > (carbs, fats, or proteins) can be bad for you. There's a lot to be
> > said for the old adage about "balanced diet".
> That was the point... ;-)
> The cheapest foods are starchy carbs, and that constitutes the bulk of
> their diet!
> It's anything but balanced.
OIC -- sorry, sometimes points sail right over my head...
J.J. in WA ~ mom, vid gamer, novice cook ~
"You still haven't explained why the pool is
filled with elf blood." - Frylock, ATHF