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Dee Randall wrote:

> Since I just made some mayo, I'd like to use it to make a thinner salad
> dressing for a mesclun salad and vine-ripened tomatoes and a 1/2 fresh red
> bell pepper. I think I'd like to use capers, but do I think it with cream
> to make it thinner? I don't want to use garlic tonight. Any other
> suggestions of anything anyone likes?
> Thanks.
> Dee

If you add a little ketchup, relish, chopped onion, and I think a dash
of sugar, you end up with thousand island dressing. What I like on
mesclun is a cucumber salad dressing made with mayo, cucumbers, onions,
and sour cream. I use the food processor for the cucumber and onions
then stir in the mayo and sour cream. I'm guestimating with the amounts
but I would say 1:1 sour cream to mayo, about 1/2 c finely chopped
cucumber, and a couple tbsp finely chopped onions.