Chicken stock?
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Rodney Myrvaagnes
Posts: n/a
On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 12:03:23 -0500,
(DayDreamer) wrote:
>I`m looking at a recipe that calls for chicken stock - which I don`t
>have. Would canned chicken broth be an acceptable substitute or should I
>forget about this recipe? I`m not exactly sure what chicken stock is
>either - I`m assuming it`s something that must be homemade and cannot be
>purchased? Thank you for any suggestions! I learn a great deal from this
>Recipe is below.
You can use unsalted chicken broth in a pinch. f you are occasionally
home for a few waking hours you should save chicken bones and make
stock. Many cookbooks have instructions, all different. Or you may see
'fowl' or 'stewing hen' where you get chickens. Use those for staock
If you live in a big city you may find plastic containers of stock
(chicken, beef, and veal) in a freezer at your store. Also I have seen
stock in sterile unrefridgerated containers in a Whole Foods.
I haven't tried it. Being retired, I usually make my own.
Rodney Myrvaagnes J36 Gjo/a
Most experts voice cautious optimism
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