Thread: Chicken stock?
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In article .com>,
"Sheldon" > wrote:

> Mike Van Pelt wrote:
> > > wrote:
> > >> >
> > >you can buy a small chicken, cut it up, and make your own.

> >
> > For stock, Alton Brown suggested getting chicken wings.
> > Lots of connective tissue to hydrolize for the gelatine that
> > gives stock it's "mouth feel" properties, relatively cheap.
> >
> > (I mostly use the Swanson's low sodium canned broth, but one
> > of these days I'm going to try making a real chicken stock.)

> Then forget all about Alton Brown's cheapo-******* wing concoction and
> take a clue from "deguttadauro> and use a whole chicken... why waste
> your time on stock that's all gelatin and no flavor... the stockpot is
> NOT your garbage disposal. And while you're at it remove that spinal
> column and toss it in the trash, if you don't eat it it's garbage. I
> mean if you're going to make stock from saved up fercocktah scraps
> you'd be better off boiling bouillon cubes with your soup greens. I
> wouldn't dirty a pot to make scrap stock... when the cooking fuel,
> herbs and spices are worth more than the chicken there's s0mething
> wrong with the picture, it's a friggin' cartoon.
> Sheldon

For once I _really_ disagree with you!
Wings make far, FAR better and richer stock than a whole chicken!
What a waste!

Personally, I still think the best stock is made from chicken feet
(for the same reason wing stock was recommended) but some folks just
cannot handle that. ;-)

Honestly Shel' have you ever TRIED it???

Chicken stock made from chicken backs is also excellent!

To me, using a whole chicken to make stock is a real waste. :-P

And it's not nearly as rich!


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

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