Thread: Bay Leaves...
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Katra wrote:
> Ok, I know this is really going to make me sound ignorant, but my mom
> almost never used bay leaves and I did learn to cook mostly from
> her....
> so what is up with Bay Leaves?
> Why do I want to use them?
> What flavor do they impart?
> I understand you use them whole because you need to remove
> them when you are done as they are toxic if eaten???
> Please don't judge me, educate me!
> Thank you! :-)
> Kat

No, they aren't toxic but they are sharp and pointy!

They impart a wonderful (don't know how to describe) taste to pot roasts,
soups and stews and even get tender when cooked but are still kinda sharp
and pointy. They are not something you want to get stuck between your
teeth. Once their job is done it's done; this is why you remove them.

Do not be afraid. I always put extra bay leaf in with corned beef along
with the peppercorn packet. It's nice with cabbage, and other veggies, too.


>> ,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,<

> id=katra