Your point about answering posts is on the money. I won't deal with vendors
who don't respond. BTW, you can get some excellent LJ for much lower prices
if you are willing to take leaf that has not been that has been machine cut
and looks a bit raggedy. There is nothing wrong with this tea. I don't know
what quantities you're buying, but Long Jing does go a long way. I recommend
smaller amounts. At least, that's what I do.
> Lol, point taken Michael. I got worried for two reasons: First, It's going
> to be a lot of money for me at once (around$80-90) for tea and second, I've
> been having a really horrible terrible awful time getting some tea from
> another overseas vendor in another country who I also spent $80-90 with. One
> very very important thing with Teaspring which I can't tell you how much I
> appreciate is that they answered my E-mails rapidly and with authority,
> there wasn't any fishiness or uncertainty about whether they would
> communicate with me, which I have experienced with this other tea place
> continually since I've tried to do business with them. It's an awful feeling
> for me when I've ordered something online and don't get so much as an E-mail
> receipt for final cost or even acknowledgement that they got the
> order...when I have to pester and pester them and don't get any kind of
> response for weeks on end. That's how bad it's been. If I didn't like the
> tea so much I wouldn't go through this, I guarentee you, and if I get more
> I'm going through a business collegue of a friend to just buy it off the
> damn shelf over there and ship it to me. I'll do the blasted FDA paperwork,
> it's easier than this. ::fume::
> So I was already primed, so to speak, for feeling like I was taking a risk
> ordering directly from overseas because of my experiences with this other
> place.
> As far as the long jing goes, like I said I look forward to tasting it. It's
> weird (to me at least...probably not to others)...I'll not feel as
> uncomfortable spending, say, $15-$20 a quarter pound on a good green or
> oolong, but I look twice at a black tea for that much. It's because I get
> multiple steeps from my greens etc. I get a lot more (and pleasant) mileage
> out of them.
> Melinda