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White Monkey wrote:
> "jacqui{JB}" > wrote in message
> . dk...
>> "White Monkey" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "Everybody knows" that sprouting potatoes are poisonous.
>>> But what degree is "sprouting"? I have one here, a large
>>> blue truffle potato, from each eye of which was growing
>>> a 1/2 cm long cluster of sprouts. I scraped them off and
>>> dug out the first few mm of flesh under them, and the
>>> potato under there looks fine. Is this safe to cook with,
>>> specifically boiling and cubing it for use in a leftover-lamb-
>>> roast pie? Is it only safe for adult-type humans? I'm
>>> breastfeeding a six-month-old; does that make any
>>> difference, or are we talking a strictly safe potato here?


> Thank you very much. It is firm and very much potato-like. Everywhere
> the sprouts have been removed, it looks normal.
> In answer to some of the others here, "if there is any question about
> its safety" -- well, duh. But I don't claim to know the answer to
> whether or not there IS any question about that, so I asked here
> where I thought people might know. If everyone everywhere was
> throwing out every potato with the faintest trace of a sprout or was
> getting sick, I think things would be quite different regarding what
> I see for sale and in restaurants. There must be a cut-off point
> beyond which the potato with signs of sprouting is generally to be
> considered unsafe.

I always eat potatos that have sprouted. I just peel off the eyes and if
they go into the potato, I dig them out. I've been doing this for at least
20 years and although others from my past wish it weren't so, I'm still
