anna maria wrote:
<snipped interesting lesson food in Italy>
> There are sooooo many simple tasty good things you can cook in the time
> you open a can. What a waste of health and resouces! When you can cook a
> good meal, a simple dish of pasta, a omelette, a grilled chicken, a
> salad, even a dessert (don't forget a glass of wine instead of beer) in
> few minutes, with very few dollars, be healty and save money. Maybe
> basic cooking should be mandatory in schools to raise the level of
> health in the US.
> Sorry for the long post, but I was being upset by reading other threads
> on these subjects.
> Ciao,
> Anna Maria
Anna Maria,
I totally agree. Some basic cooking classes should be mandatory in
schools. Problem is we can't even get the little buggers to learn
to do simple math or handle the language. :-((
As for the long post? Keep 'em comin', that was very facinating
reading from someone with first hand experience.
Men are from Earth. Women are from Earth. Deal with it.