Michael L Kankiewicz wrote:
> Here's something from the government.
> http://www.copyright.gov/fls/fl122.pdf
Yup, exactly what I said.... recipes per se cannot be copyrighted...
only accompanying text and compilation thereof, MAYBE.
You wanna include about how yer momma would prepare Fried Goobers for
Sunday dinner special for Aunt Betty Lou's ******* daughters, that part
MAY be copywritable, but not the actual recipe (the list of ingredients
and basic procedure)... before the procedure can be copyrighted first
there'd need to be a patent on Cooking, there is none... you can't
patent fire.
Anyone with a proprietary recipe (secret formula) (ie. Coca Cola), and
wants to *fully* protect it has but one (1) choice, DON'T WRITE IT DOWN
AND DON'T TELL ANYONE... if more than one (1) person knows it is NOT a
secret... do NOT even think about copywriting a proprietary formula.
This copyright subject has been scrutinized here previously, many times
over the years, there are always a few pontificating pinheads who are
incapable of "getting it".
Sheldon (who often omits mentioning his secret ingredients and
procedures, which is why after eating my food you wonder why even with
my giving you the recipe you can't replicate it exactly)