One time on Usenet, "Rick & Cyndi" > said:
<large snip>
> So... I was thinking about BK's new breakfast thing coming out... I think
> I'll try it when they come out/are available. Yeah, it may not be the
> healthiest choice out there... but it's not that far off base from what a
> lot of us eat for breakfast - *when* we actually eat "real" breakfast. And
> at 700+ calories it's pretty close to the majical 2000 calories we're
> supposed to eat. Quite frankly, I usually choice bacon OR sausage... but I
> don't HAVE to eat all of it...
> <shrug> Just my thoughts.
Excellent point, one doesn't have to eat it all. When we go out to a
sit-down place, I almost always get a "to-go" containter for half of
my order, which I save for another meal. No reason one couldn't do
the same with a fast-food item, or even share it with someone...
J.J. in WA ~ mom, vid gamer, novice cook ~
"You still haven't explained why the pool is
filled with elf blood." - Frylock, ATHF