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Melba's Jammin'
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In article et>,
"Gregory Morrow"

> jmcquown wrote:
> > Foo, if you're gonna toss it with oil might as well throw in basil,
> > garlic and pignolis - pesto rather than a red sauce.

> Yup...and give the folx a choice of pasta - regular red sauce and a non -
> red option...

Oh no you don't! The objective is to feed them and feed them quickly so
the program can start, be, and be done. Two choices: Take it or leave
it. And I'll bet the rest of the menu is a tossed green salad, bread
(maybe garlic, maybe not), and spumoni ice cream. :-) No one mistakes
these things for high culinary adventure.
-Barb, <> Arizona vacation pics added 3-24-05.
"I read recipes the way I read science fiction: I get to the end and
say,'Well, that's not going to happen.'" - Comedian Rita Rudner,
performance at New York, New York, January 10, 2005.