"alzelt" > wrote in message
> Jack Schidt® wrote:
> > "Peter Aitken" > wrote in message
> > .com...
> >
> >>WASHINGTON (AP) -- Farm-raised salmon contain significantly more dioxins
> >
> > and
> >
> >>other potentially cancer-causing pollutants than do salmon caught in the
> >>wild, says a major study that tested contaminants in fish bought around
> >
> > the
> >
> >>world.
> >>
> >>Full story:
> >>http://www.cnn.com/2004/HEALTH/01/08....ap/index.html
> >>
> >
> >
> > This will unleash a flood of "I told ya so" posts.
> >
> > Fish farming is necessary if we are going to continue to eat fish. I
> > the anti-farming side would put their energy into creating a better way
> > farm fish rather than just trying to eliminate the idea.
> >
> > On the good side, it's a wake up call, much like the mad cow episode of
> > late, to tighten up and improve conditions. Of course, alarmists will
> > alarmists.
> >
> > Jaquaculture
> >
> >
> Seems to me that when man sets out to make the cheapest food available,
> they can do it, quality notwithstanding. I think you will find that this
> is such a case.
> How is this any different to a farmer/rancher trying to squeeze out the
> last drop of profit by selling off a sick cow to the meatpacker?
> Or an unscrupulous grocer who re-labels out of date products?
> Call me a cynic, but there is too much evidence that man, left to his
> own policing, will screw the all to gullible public.
> And how can one just blindly accept that word of a government agency to
> look out for us when there is enough evidence to the contrary? Want to
> choose the winner between Smithfield Corp and Jack Schidt?
> --
> Alan
I'm not taking on the Smithfield Corp...
I agree and think that fish can be farmed safely and eco-friendly. It won't
be the cheapest, but probably akin to free range chicken. I now pay 20cents
a pound more for fr/org/no antibiotic chicken. <shrug> Not breaking the
bank by any means.
Jack Wing