Rick & Cyndi wrote:
> "Monsur Fromage du Pollet"* > Katra > wrote in
> > :
> >
> >> Ok, I know this is really going to make me sound ignorant, but my
> >> mom almost never used bay leaves and I did learn to cook mostly
> >> her....
> >>
> >> so what is up with Bay Leaves?
> <snip>
> >
> > If it really concerns you tie threads to them and tie the threads
to a
> > pot handle.
> >
> > ---------
> That's an interesting technique!
> I used to keep cheesecloth on hand for cooking things that I wanted
> remove after cooking but have since switched over to muslin material.
A few
> years ago I purchased a yard or so of muslin and cut it to make lots
> little muslin bags (think 'sachet'). I simply pour things into them,
> them, and drop them in. I've experimented with different tie
> once I sewed strings onto the bags so they'd be 100 % ready but
usually I
> just make the bags and keep them in a drawer with some string already
cut to
> size.
> Cyndi Stringbag
You have way, WAY too much free time, Cyndi Stewart... sheesh, didja do
your own breast implants yourself too. To easily retrieve bay leaves
and other whole spices/herbs place them in a metal teaball, in fact
there are large ones available specifically for spices.