Thread: Bay Leaves...
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"Thomas" <scythicon311@yahoo(dot)com> wrote:

> I'm in Texas and can tell you that bay trees can grow very large. Before we
> moved last year we had a bay tree in a pot that was 10 feet tall. I always
> use a couple of bay leaves when cooking potatoes to make mashed potatoes.
> Fantastic! I also use them (3 or 4) when making a pot roast. They are
> mandatory in a pot of beans at our house. I love the flavor of bay. I would
> suggest removing them. I would not powder or grind them. I believe they
> can be toxic. I could also send you some fresh off the tree if you would
> like. We have far more than we could use.
> Thomas

<smiles> Thank you!
I think that is offer #3 now. <G>
I appreciate it!

If I decide to start my own Bay Laurel tree, I'd keep it "Bonsai" pruned
to force it into a bush. That can be done with nearly any tree if you
are careful.