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Bob (this one)
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Bob wrote:

> Sheldon wrote:
>>replication (close approximation, as an echo), not
>>duplication (copied precisely).

> need to look that up in a *real* dictionary.

Jeez. You're no fun. The Little Golden Book of Words has been good
enough for him all these years. Came with those swell crayons and all...

> Replication and
> duplication are the same thing. BOTH mean to follow a procedure identically,
> or to make an exact copy of something. NEITHER mean "close approximation."

Obviously you don't speak Sheldonish. He learned it from Humpty Dumpty...

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it
means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less."


Poor unnecessary Sheldon...
