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Sheldon wrote variously:

> Sheldon (who often omits mentioning his secret ingredients and
> procedures, which is why after eating my food you wonder why even
> with my giving you the recipe you can't replicate it exactly)

> I only omit the parts I know you can't/won't do.

All day long, I've been racking my brain trying to tease forth whatever I
was *reminded* of by these passages. At last I remembered, and found it with

wrote on Apr 13 2003 at 2:32 am:

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>> Okay, what the heck does "spatchcocking" mean

> spatchcocking is the same a butterflying. You take kitchen shears or a
> sharp knife and remove the backbone of the turkey. And then using the
> breast as a hinge open or spread the turkey out flat. Sometimes a extra
> thump is required to get the poultry to lie flat. American Kitchens (Cooks
> Illustrated) suggests that a brined spatchcocked bird on a rack directly
> over the dressing/stuffing (so as to catch the drippings) is the best way
> to quickly cook a turkey.

"Spatchcock" is one of those context-sensitive terms. Its meaning
changes depending on how it's used. The primary meaning is as given
above, but in the sentence, "Sheldon squealed and thrust his
childbearing hips as best he could, but the turkey was too capacious
for him to spatchcock effectively, and he had to spatchcock a quail
instead," the term means "insert a tiny penis into."


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"Secret ingredients and procedures" indeed!
