Thread: BK Whopper
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Stan Horwitz
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In article >,
(Curly Sue) wrote:

> On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 19:30:47 -0500, Stan Horwitz >
> wrote:
> >Hah! You might be right! There's a BK within walking distance of where I
> >live, but I rarely go there. BK's food used to be pretty good, as far as
> >fast food is concerned, but not any more. I saw a commercial for that
> >new gigantic BK breakfast sandwich and it did not look at all appealing,
> >but that's just me. Many Americans do have a knack for eating the most
> >unhealthy foods, so that new BK breakfast sandwich might be a smash hit!

> It's not that I wouldn't like such items, but concern about health
> stops me. The same reason I avoid many gourmet foods also.
> BK says that the big breakfast sandwiches target young men and
> construction workers. This population isn't exactly concerned about
> nutrition, just filling up the void. I can't blame the fast food
> restaurants- just go to any college cafeteria where such things are
> offered right next to healthy choices, and guess which ones the
> students pick.
> The way things go is that people eat without care when they are young
> and then when they get older, turn to diets of various sorts to
> correct the health problems that they created.
> If we could only convince kids that what they eat is (at least) as
> important what's on their feet or in their ears, we'd have a better
> chance. You might have read the recent reports that for the first
> time in a long time, life expectancy for younger people has gone DOWN
> because of childhood obesity.

Actually, I heard that story on the radio recently. I think a little
taste of a threat to one's own mortality goes a long way toward gaining
an appreciation of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, at least it has for
me. My physician recently asked me how after only a few months of being
diagnosed with diabetes, I manage to control my diabetes and weight so
well. He told me that its very unusual to gain control so quickly. I
also volunteered at a local hospital for a diabetes research study, and
one of the researchers told me I do not qualify because my diabetes is
so well controlled. Anyway, I looked my doctor right in the eye and I
said "fear of death." 'Nuf said.