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Ken Vale
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Rich L wrote:
> I'm looking for feedback from anyone who has experience with Maple Wine.
> We are sugaring here in NH and have access to plenty of sap and syrup.
> Rich L.

I have a little experience. First don't boil the sap down all the way to
sugar stop at syrup (this makes it easier to mix with water. Every syrup
is going to have a slightly different SG so you will want to check the
SG as you add it to the water (if you had a Hydrometer that could
measure the Maple Syrup that would work, but most Hydrometers used in
brewing will not have a scale that will go that high, mine was reading
in the air bulb at the bottom when I made my attempt). Very little in
the way of additives is needed (maybe Tannin, there should be enough
nutrients in the Maple Syrup). I hope that helps.