In article >,
" BOB" > wrote:
> Katra typed:
> > " BOB" wrote:
> >
> >> Katra typed:
> >>> " BOB" wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> I do like steamed on occasion, but prefer
> >>>> grilled.
> >>>>
> >>>> BOB
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>> Ditto. ;-)
> >>> I will also pan broil it from time to time in a cast iron skillet with
> >>> butter and EVOO.
> >>>
> >>> Grilled asparagus is the gods!
> >>>
> >>> K.
> >>>
> >> I haven't used a skillet (or anything else indoors) to cook asparagus
> since I
> >> got my first Kamado a few years ago.
> >>
> >> BOB
> >
> > Not all of us are that priveliged. <G>
> >
> Put one high on your "to do" list. You won't be sorry.
I dunno... Sounds practical, but I rather like the challenge of creating
a bed of wood coals that are almost white-hot. ;-)
I've pretty much gone back to wood rather than charcoal as, one, my fire
lasts MUCH longer which is good for some longer term cooking projects,
and, two, wood makes a hotter fire than charcoal!
I was priveleged to land a rather large load of pecan wood for free
recently, and my own elderly mesquite tree out front sheds branches from
time to time.
This mesquite tree is nearly 3 ft. across at ground level. It is OLD!!!
>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby >,,< id=katra