English Toffee, need help!
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JeanineAlyse in 29 Palms
Posts: n/a
Bob Pastorio offers:
>Several possibilities:
>1) thermometer not accurate.
>2) very humid
>3) very dry
>4) mismeasurement
>5) different chocolate chips than in the
>6) baking soda weak
>7) baking powder instead
>There are too many variables to pinpoint
>one in particular, but these are what I'd
>look at.
Interesting. I did pop in a second, older and harder to read
thermometer than my new Polder one because I thought the getting to
temps was taking far longer than I remembered. The second one
continually registered about five degrees lower than the first, so I
relied on the Polder. Temperature here in my desert was 74 degrees,
with humidity at 33%. I'd bet this high humidity was a good part of the
chewy cause. Measurements were double checked, chips were same as
always used, baking soda as called for, and not even one month old.
Because of mention to someone I've just met that is flying back to her
home far out of state tomorrow, I had made the toffee to bring to her
and the lives here daughter this evening. I was determined to make
another batch today so that I could give, but I'll just call in an
apology instead. This mother and daughter pair see each other
frequently enough that I can try again when weather here gets back to my
favorite 95 degrees and 5% humidity days. Methinks all is solved now,
Picky ~JA~
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