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Sing-Along Songs (Beer Drinking Songs)

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Life is a waste of time,
time is a waste of life,
so get wasted all of the time
and have the time of your life.
There are those who drink...
and those who pound,
and those who don't...
are bound to frown.
No matter what you say do...
Always cheer your frosty brew!
For every wound, a balm.
For every sorrow, cheer.
For every storm, a calm.
For every thirst, a beer.
Of all my favorite things to do,
The utmost is to have a brew.
My love grows for my foamy friend,
with each thirst-quenching elbow bend.
Beer's so frosty, smooth, and cold,
It's paradise... Pure liquid gold,
Yes beer means many things to me,
that's all for now... I gotta Pee
Here's to a long life and a merry one.
A quick death and an easy one.
A pretty girl and an honest one.
A cold beer and another one!
Irish Saying

I admire your strength,
I admire your spunk
But the thing I like best,
is getting you drunk.
"DO RE MI BEER" by Homer J. Simpson.
DOUGH... the stuff... that buys me beer...
RAY..... the guy that sells me beer...
ME...... the guy... who drinks the beer,
FAR..... the distance to my beer
SO...... I think I'll have a beer...
LA...... La la la la la la beer
TEA..... no thanks, I'm drinking beer...
That will bring us back to...
[Notices can is empty]...D'OH!
Life alas, is very drear.
Up with the glass,
down with the beer!
Louis Untermeyer
Beer beer its all here,
one glass full...
and one for my peer.
Why, if 'tis dancing you would be,
There's brisker pipes than poetry.
Say, for what were hop-yards meant,
Or why was Burton built on Trent ?
Oh many a peer of England brews
Livelier liquor than the Muse,
And malt does more than Milton can
To justify God's ways to man.
Ale, man, ale's the stuff to drink
For fellows whom it hurts to think:
Look into the pewter pot
To see the world as the world's not.
A=2EE. Housman

Fill with mingled cream and amber,
I will drain that glass again.
Such hilarious visions clamber
Through the chamber of my brain.
Quaintest thoughts, queerest fancies
Come to life and fade away.
What I care how time advances;
I am drinking ale today.
Edgar Allen Poe
I love to drink martinis.
Two at the very most.
Three I'm under the table.
Four I'm under the host!
Dorothy Parker
When money's tight and hard to get,
and your horse is also ran,
When all you have is a heap of debt,
a pint of plain is your only man.
Old Irish toast
He that drinks strong beer and goes to bed mellow,
lives as he ought to live and dies a hearty fellow.
17th century
English drinking song
starkle starkle little twink...who the heck are you i not
under what you call...the alcofluence of just a little
slort of not drunk like tinkle peep...i dont who is me
yet...but the drunker i stand here, the longer i just give me
one more drink to fill my cup
'cause i got all day sunday up!
I'm not the fig plucker,
but the fig plucker's son.
But I'll pluck figs,
'til the fig plucker comes!
I'm not the pig ****er,
but the pig ****er's son.
But I'll **** pigs,
'til the pig ****er comes!
**** this shit!
Just let me put my dick inside!
Eazy E
Gimme that Nut
Let us sing our own treasures, Old England's good cheer...
To the profits and pleasures of stout British beer...
Your wine tippling, dram sipping fellows retreat...
But your beer drinking Britons can never be beat.
The French with their vineyards and meager pale ale...
They drink from the squeezing of half ripe fruit.
But we, who have hop-yards to mellow our ale...
are rosy and plump and have freedom to boot.
English drinking song, circa 1757
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