Can you please clarify for me what the difference is between what you refer
to as the good stuff and the stuff that's available right now..(I need to
get me a map). So there are better and worse long jings from the three (I
think) main regions of the traditional long jing production area..? How in
heaven's name is one supposed to know? Besides cost I mean?
Are the ones available now not the earliest ones to be picked?
I am literally in a position that I don't even really know the right
questions to ask, wow.....:/ I feel a bit lost. I've read various messages
on this newsgroups about the LJ production but I still don't get it. I know
there is "real" LJ made in the traditional area that is divided into three
kinds, Meijiawu, Shifeng and Xihu.Then there are LJ-type teas that are also
being called LJ but are from outside areas.
I have heard that there are 11 grades of LJ, so I'm not sure what is meant
by LJ # 43.
Then Ripon at one point in another list said something about three different
types called "1) Quing (natural) 2)Lu Dou (green nut) and 3) Huang Dou
(yellow nut)" He also said the Imperial LJ was the best to his taste and the
Teaspring site calls some of theirs Emporer LJ, not sure if it's supposed to
be the same thing.
Can someone please help me out? Pretty please?
Melinda, sincerely learning.
"The country has entered an era in which
questions are not asked, for questions are
daughters of disquiet or arrogance, both
fruits of temptation and the food of sacrilege." Djaout
"SEb" > wrote in message
> Hi Melinda,
> I heard the same thing that teahub. I saw the interview on tv of the
> guy that produced the 200gr of long jing from the long jing village.
> This 200gr of long jing cost him more than 2000rmb to produce them!!!
> Don't think you can get your hands on that one, the guy keeps the 200gr
> for himself.
> about the 5kg, buyers won't be able to buy them from the tea makers
> before the 30th. It is the 31st here, we just called our long jing
> supplier and asked him about first harvest long jing, and she said:
> nothing available for now on the market for the long jing from west
> lake or Mei Jia Wu.
> What is available now is the Long Jing #43 from the outside areas of
> the west lake and Mei Jia Wu.
> The good ones are scheduled to arrived in Guangzhou on the 4th of
> April.
> Jing