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Michael Plant
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For tea, I use off-white Gung-fu sized cups or Shino glazed saki cups at
home when we have no guests.. In the office I use five ounce, white
interior, Japanese cylindrical cups or porcelain Gung-fu cups. All depends
on mood. For company, I use Gung-fu cups that work with the tea-stuff and
the tea. Often I use aroma cups. The mood of the moment has a lot to do with
it. At Starbucks, I use a paper cup and a teabag.


KALLE 4/3/05

> Hi Pilo,
> The cup is at least as important as the surroundings which should be
> pleasant.
> A cup should be :
> -thin...thick material has a negative impact on your taste buds
> -white
> -shallow and not too deep to see the colour of the tea
> -nice to look must like t look at the cup to begin with
> - out of china bone
> -easy to handle in your hands
> -appropiate for the type of tea
> Best
> Kalle Grieger
> pilo_ schrieb:
>> it occurs to me this morning how crucial the
>> drinking vessel can and should be to the tea
>> experience. for example, i cannot drink ANY
>> tea out of a mug. to drink a delicate green
>> from so gross a construction would seem to
>> be a bad thing. i've been drinking a lot of
>> oolong lately, and for that i use a small, un-
>> finished red-clay cup made in india. it adds
>> immeasurably. for greens i have a small
>> japan-made cup, like a little tea-bowl.
>> these encourage sipping and savoring.
>> i'd be interested to know if the cup you use
>> adds to your overall tea experience..........p*
