aem wrote:
> jacqui{JB} wrote:
>> [snip]
>> I don't think it's fair to blame FMF for the failure of other
>> cookbook authors to offer less than stellar recipes, nor of the
>> failure of parents and/or schools to teach kids to cook. [snip more]
>> Right, off my soapbox and off to make some coffee. Hope this makes
>> some sense, as I'm really pre-coffee.
>> -j
> Oh gosh, I obviously have misled you. Sorry. Although "Cod" is
> historical, it is done with a very light, amusing touch. There are
> cod recipes and entertaining quotations about cod throughout history
> at the end of every chapter, in addition to the recipes section at
> the end, where the Fannie citation is given. In context, the author
> clearly does not mean to attack Fannie, he's just poking gentle fun
> at the contrast between her "scientific" approach and the very vague
> recipes he's included elsewhere in the book. One of them goes back
> to 1375!
> And when I called this "Anti-Fannie" I also didn't mean any serious
> criticism. I was just trying to coin an amusing phrase while patting
> rfc on the back for its displays of imagination and creativity.
> End of anti-soapbox. -aem
Oh, we knew that, aem, we were just having fun with ya! It's a good thread
IMHO! Beats the heck out of yakking about Terry Shiavo or the Pope