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"Derek" > wrote in message ...
> As for the gourmand/gourmet dichotomy, a gourmet is a connoisseur -
> only the best will do, and it has to be served properly. A gourmand is
> just interested in good food and drink.

Ahem! *just* interested?

(emphasis mine):

One entry found for gourmand.

Main Entry: gour·mand
Pronunciation: 'gur-"mänd, -m&nd
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French gourmant
1 : one who is _EXCESSIVELY_ fond of eating and drinking
2 : one who is _HEARTILY_ interested in good food and drink

> In most instances, I fall into the latter category.

Me, too. It's a good thing that tea doesn't add to one's waistline.

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