jmcquown wrote:
> Bob wrote:
> > Sheldon wrote:
> >
> >> You're an ugly bigot.
> >>
> >> Before 9/11 I was *sorta* tolerant, open minded, and trusting (not
> >> really), but now when I encounter those whose names are written
> >> yours, one obtuse eye blink and I'd not hesitate a NY second in
> >> blowing them away. I trust the vietnamese not at all and I trust
> >> less. I'd have no problem drowning your children while you watched
> >> and then threading a steel rod up your ass till it exited your
> >> ear.
> >
> > Ugly bigot? Wow, is THAT the pot calling the kettle black!
> >
> > It'll be interesting to watch the Sheldon apologists defend this
> > vituperation. People like Sheldon like to TALK tough on the
> > but I doubt he'd have the courage to say anything like that in
> > person. One quick slap and Sheldon would be blubbering like a baby.
> >
> > Just about time for YOU to hit the showers, Sheldon...
> >
> > Bob
> I'm definitely not going to defend him, and I happen to *like*
Sheldon. But
> this sort of bigotry merely mimics the attitudes of those he
professes to
> hate.
> The little store down the street, which I've frequented for 9 years,
> recently bought out buy a family from Yemen. They are extremely
> friendly, helpful people who (with one exception) speak excellent
> It's funny, if they don't know the price of something they ask ME
what it
> costs. I'm honest enough not to attempt to rip them off. In return
> sometimes I get a free lighter or even a discount on what I'm buying.
> more could one ask?
Try getting the tight-fisted former owner
(from the
> U.S.) to give a regular customer *any* kind of price break. I was
> told, if there's anything they would like for me to stock just let
them know
> and they'll try to get it. They know me by name and greet me with a
> Jill!" and a smile no matter how busy they are.
That's EXACTLY how those composing the "cells" behave... whaddaya
think, they're gonna attempt to blend in by behaving like radicals...
it's the "sweet/meek" ones you gotta worry about.
Sheldon (doesn't drink evian)