Wayne replied to Ranee:
>> The Heart Corn Waffles Wayne posted earlier, served with chopped
>> scallions and sour cream.
>> Regards,
>> Ranee
> What a great idea, Ranee! I'd of not thought of serving them savory.
> Gotta try it.
Inspired by Ranee's and Wayne's exchange, I also made the Hearty Corn
Waffles, only I used pine nuts instead of pecans, and I topped them with
chicken chili and sour cream.
Yes, I know there's no such thing as chicken chili. Yes, I know that waffles
with bacon and nuts *shouldn't* go with chili, whether the chili has chicken
or not. But it was mighty tasty nonetheless. I had Tex-Mex cole slaw on the
side, and I washed everything down with a cranberry margarita.
Thanks, Ranee and Wayne!