On Tue, 5 Apr 2005, Sheldon wrote:
> Lena B Katz wrote:
>> On Tue, 5 Apr 2005, Bob wrote:
>>> Sheldon wrote:
>>>> That's EXACTLY how those composing the "cells" behave... whaddaya
>>>> think, they're gonna attempt to blend in by behaving like
> radicals...
>>>> it's the "sweet/meek" ones you gotta worry about.
>>> It's also EXACTLY how NICE people behave! Must be terrible being
> you, so
>>> paranoid and stupid.
>>> Furthermore, what gives YOU such expertise into the behavior of
> "sleeper"
>>> cell terrorists? Did you read some fictional works, and suddenly
> gain
>>> insight into covert terrorist operations? Until you have real
> credentials
>>> in the field, maybe you ought to STFU, ignoramus.
>> Trouble is, he's right.
> U-Bet
>> Course, it goes more so for industrial espionage, where you get real
>> spies...
>> but catch dear sheldon looking at model employees for signs of
> spying?
>> never....
>> Lena
> You couldn't be more wrong... I spent most of my working career at a
> major national (actually more international) pure science facility
> where I held Top Secret clearance (still do), where everyones job is
> Security (with a capitol S).
*snort* pure science? where the devil did you manage to find a -pure
science- facility that ever cared about security? Imagine, getting
academics to do _anything_ about security!
> Make no mistake about it, "they" are
> amongst us, have always been since the Mayflower landed... and they are
> almost always the sweet innocent model citizen appearing ones.
it makes sense for a spy, in general, to blend into the surroundings. if
your surroundings are violent badasses, you'll behave like them.