Following up to Deep Foiled Malls
>>So whats wrong with that? Are you saying they dont do sauces in
>Erm... I live in Italy. Similar, but different.
Sorry, misremembered, but France is rated quite well for food.
>They need to be cooked at a high temperature to reduce the fat
>absorbtion and increase the crispiness. For the best chips, look no
>further that Belgium. Somehow they get them just right.
lots of practice.
>>>The beer was excellent though.
>>Glad youre one of the few foreigners able to apppreciate good
>Somehow I learnt the art of enjoying what the rest of the world laughs
>at. Only in England.
Why the rest of the world thinks fizzy, freezing sweet lager is
good, I cannot understand, except that the beer matches a cool
climate and lager a hot one, maybe).
Mike Reid
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