"Bob" > wrote in message
> Jill wrote:
>> I don't have children or grandchildren and frankly prefer to drink coffee
>> black. Milk, very cold skimmed - to drink whole milk tastes, well, FAT.
> I *can't* drink coffee without milk; it tears up my digestive system too
> badly. And just yesterday, I was lamenting the fact that half & half
> tastes
> so good on cereal (hot or cold), but is so detrimental to my health.
Ugh, I cannot stand anything less than half and half in my coffee. Okay, I
no longer drink coffee, but that's not the point. There is always light
in my refrigerator for coffee.
Jill, is it skimmed milk where you live? Here it's skim milk. I'm ignoring
the shuddering from the idea of putting it in coffee, but I'll get over it.