Pots and Pans - Stainless vs. Teflon
Hello all and thank you for your time.
I know this has been discussed before but I needed a dumbed down
version. My husband and I are very novice when it comes to cooking.
That said, we have gone through our second set of teflon pots and pans.
Noodles are sticking the the large pot and the pans have scratches
(thanks to hubby using metal forks!). We saute a lot with our pans and
cook a lot of eggs.
So here's the question. I want to buy a new set of pots and pans. I
know some don't like sets but for me they are easier and cheaper. What
should I get, teflon or stainless steel? What brands should I look for
(I would like the whole set to be under $200)?
Any suggestions?