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Icono Clast
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The Reids wrote:
> Icono Clast said:
>>It is extremely difficult for tourists to "really know where to go".

> Do what I do, as a local, read guides to supplement local knowledge.

I've read many a guide for San Francisco and find the information so
fallacious that I don't trust guides for places of which my ignorance
is total.

The San Francisco Sights page
<> at the site at
Right in the sig contains the following paragraph:

<< Commercial sites and publications should be regarded with extreme
skepticism because they are more likely to recommend those who
advertise with them, regardless of quality, in preference to The Best
who mightn't advertise with them. Further, such sites and
publications might not have what you seek only because they do not
pay to be mentioned. You are advised, regardless of where you travel,
to ask local people about commercial sites' and publications'
recommendations. >>
__________________________________________________ __________
Un San Francisqueño en San Francisco
ICQ: IClast at SFbay Net