Thanks for your feedback, I apprecite your advice. I think I am going to
experiment with several vines and play it by ear.
Paul E. Lehmann > wrote in message
> Michael DeGraff wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am planning on purchasing my first ever set of grape vines to plant
> > spring. I was wondering what recommendations any of you have for my
> > location. I am pretty sure we have a long growing season here, if that
> > helps. I plan to grow table grapes, grapes for white wine (Chardonnay),
> > and
> > a full bodied red. I am not a wine connoisseur; my aim is to purchase
> > vines
> > that produce reliably in my area. I would really appreciate any insight
> > that you could give me.
> >
> > Also I have found a couple of nurseries that seem reputable on the net.
> > However, without growing experience I am hesitant to try them blindly.
> > Can someone recommend a site to order vines?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Michael DeGraff
> > Southern New Jersey, USA
> For your red variety you might consider Cabernet Franc. It grows very
> here in Maryland and Northern Virginia and is even grown in New York
> It is fairly cold hardy.
> I have had better experience with it than what is "Supposed" to do well
> here, Chambourcin, which is a French Hybrid. Others, however, do quite
> with Chambourcin. Some love its taste, others like me, like just a tad of
> it in a blend for color and fruit.
> As for Nurseries, you might try:
> I have bought from them and have been pleased.