Kamado does right by me.
As some of you know, I've been having some serious issues with my brand
new Kamado #9:
I got in communications with Kamado's new East Coast office and spoke
with Kim last night. I explained what the problems were. She promised
that she would update me on the status of Kamado's response today. This
afternoon she called me back and informed me that Richard Johnson would
be giving me a call to inform me about a proposed resolution.
They will be shipping me a brand new #9 at no cost to me to replace the
one I have. Richard identified a manufacturing flaw in the pictures I
provided. He asked me to crate the bad one up so that they could have it
shipped to the East Coast office to see if they could repair it.
I'm much happier about the situation now than I was this morning.
I'm a contractor. If you want an opinion, I'll sell you one.
Which one do you want?