Nancy Young wrote:
> I swear, it's more like Gourmet magazine every passing
> month. This is not a good thing. I like a travelogue once
> in a while, I always like yours, but come on already.
> Yeah, I want to know all the best places to eat in Rome,
> Florence and Venice. Not really. Oh, the best pizza
> is Giacomo's on such and such street.
> Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there is a small percentage
> of their readers who will find this information useful
> as they are leaving for Italy next month or whatever.
> It's just that Bon Appetit used to be a long read, and
> more and more it's ... just flipping through half the
> magazine.
> My 2 cents. nancy
I'll add my "me too" about both Gourmet and Bon Appetit. Now both
magazines are just glossies, not offering all that much for the cooks.
I buy Cooks Illustrated almost every month....a pricey magazine but it
has good, informative articles....and no advertisements.