Food For Thought wrote:
>> Coconut oil is even worse than beef fat or lard.
> Someone better tell that to all the people who use this type of fat
> culturally to cook with. They must be dropping like flies. And tell
> the author of this book:
> /0446577162/ref=pd_sxp_f/103-3772469-2167822?v=glance&s=books "Low-
> carb diets like Atkins and South Beach are the hottest weight loss
> programs on the market, but they could work faster and more
> effectively with the addition of one ingredient: coconut oil. Not
> only does it boost metabolism and speed weight loss, there is
> evidence that suggests that adding a small amount of coconut oil into
> ones daily diet can help lower cholesterol; improve conditions such
> as diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, IBS, Crohns, and other
> digestive disorders; enhance thyroid production; and increase overall
> energy" I did purchase some coconut oil--which resembles crisco or
> petroleum jelly) and tried it for sauteeing. It's a pretty
> tasteless, odorless fat. I didn't try the diet. But I might. In
> the meantime, coconut oil slathered on my feet makes them really
> soft. lol
Geez; don't let the voice of reason pollute this thread. I am thoroughly
enjoying it. As coconut oil is my favorite oil any (mis)information that
tends to put downward pressure on the price is a good thing.