cm1 wrote:
> So that pretty well loses the entire marketing/advertising department ?
> And "cold call" sales, too. Hmmm... might as well throw in
> beneficiaries of government grants while you're at it.
> ------------------------------------------------------------ Atleast
> most of the people that you mentioned are EMPLOYED!
> It's their job to do what they do.
> Unlike the Bums that NEED to get a job!
Yes, they do need to get a job. Showing up for the interview
half-starved doesn't help.
I tend to have more time for the guy standing on the street corner
trying to get enough for a sandwich than the asshole company that calls
in the middle of dinner even though I've told them several times I'm not
interested and not to call me again... how 'bout you?, you honour the
piles of spam in your inbox?
Do you like calling tech-support for a product you've purchased and get
a professional idiot who's job is to tell you in no small way "we've got
your money, you're screwed, **** off" ?
Some of those bums are there because they have too much honour to wreck
society the way legalized scammers do.
Some of those bums are there because you've decided to purchase crap at
Wal-Mart made by third-world child labour working for pennies a day
instead of supporting local products.