Did you ever think that just maybe they mislabled the Cab and it was easier
to just re-lable. Do you have a life or just enjoy wasting time. Glen
Ellen is shit anyway.
> wrote in message
> On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 02:24:39 GMT, "Tom" > wrote:
>>Hunt > wrote in message
>>> In article >,
>>> says...
>>> >
>>> >Howdy:
>>> >
>>> >I just got a case of Glen Ellen Cabernet. As I pulled the 750 ml
>>> >bottles
>>> >out of the box I noticed someting unusual about the labels. Looking
>>> >I noted that there was one label upon another. I pulled off the topmost
>>> >label, Cabernet 2001, to find a label for Merlot 2002 underneath!
>>> >
>>> >After a bit of detective work I found the number for customer service
>>> >at
>>> >Wine Group Inc. handling issues concerning Glen Ellen (whom they bought
>>> >out). Customer service person in a recording said to leave a detailed
>>> >message and that she would get back to me in a couple of days.
>>> >
>>> >Anyone have comments on the practice of putting a label for Cabernet
>>> >over
>>> >label for Merlot... besides backdating the vintage a year?
>>> >
>>> >Sincerely,
>>> >Tom
>>> My first thought would be that it was a mistake on the bottling line.
>>> I've never seen such, I imagine that it could happen. OTOH, I'd guess
>>> that
>>> 2001 Cab might bring a tad more at retail. Have you contacted your
>>> Have you tasted a bottle to try and ascertain what grape it contains?
>>> Admittedly, from a producer such as Glen Ellen, a 3 yo Cab MIGHT taste a
>>> like a 2 yo Merlot. Good luck, and let us know what the distributor/new
>>> says about the labels.
>>> Hunt
>>Thank you for your comments.
>>Yes, it might be a bottling mistake. When I took the bottles out of the
>>the first thing I noticed was the odd label. They were wrinkled (not flat
>>on the bottle), cocked from the vertical, and it wasn't the regular label
>>design (larger size) that I had been familar with. The label at the rear
>>showed the same characteristics. As I was going through the bottles I
>>noticed part of one label underneath another. That's when I pulled off
>>topmost label and saw the one underneath. The topmost label is composed
>>paper that seems to be thicker, has an adhesive backing (similar to a
>>Post-it), and is about 1/4" to 3/8" larger all around; the same applies to
>>the one at the rear. If my memory serves correctly, this larger label
>>be the same one that is currently being put on the 1.5 L bottles. At
>>glance, judging by the crude placement and alignment of the label, one
>>even suppose that the label was put on by hand. All bottles in the case
>>similarly configrured.
>>I suspect I will return the case, then again, it would be a novelty to
>>the wine with the label peeled back to expose the one underneath!
> So, what happened?