"zxcvbob" > wrote in message
> Dee Randall wrote:
>> I'm putting 2 cups basmati in a rice cooker today, which is the way I
>> make it more often than not. (I soak it 30 minutes first.) Today
>> I'm putting in some saffron. I won't use any other spice in it
>> today, but it got me to wondering if there is anything else that
>> anyone has tried that I might add. I have added one of these at one
>> time or another, in combination, or only one ingredient, cardamon
>> pods, cardamon poweder, coriander seeds or coriander powder, fresh
>> coriander when finished, tumeric, garam masala, but I've never had
>> the right amount or combination for 2 cups of basmati. I don't care
>> for chicken stock in basmati. There isn't an Indian spice I've tried
>> that I don't like. Any suggestions? Thanks. Dee
> You didn't mention anything about salt. Hopefully, a little salt is just
> assumed.
> Crumble in some dried dundicut peppers, seeds and all.
> A cinnamon stick might be interesting, but I've never tried it.
> Bob
Thanks, Bob. I used to not use salt when cooking rice, but now I do and
it's MUCH better. I'd never thought of dried dundicut peppers -- that, I
will do.