Thread: Dinner tonight
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Serene > wrote:

> After I put the muffins in the oven (along with the eggplant I'm
> roasting for tomorrow's baba ganouj), I sauteed an onion in olive oil,
> in my new pressure cooker. Then I added some (that's the exact
> quantity) soaked navy beans, a couple cups of homemade veggie broth,
> some water, a garlic clove, a pinch of coriander powder, and several
> cups of collard greens. They're coming up to pressure now, and they and
> the muffins should be done around the same time. It smells really good
> in here. I'll let you know how it turns out.

The muffins are nearly perfect (I will use a little less margarine next
time). The baba ganouj is transcendent, even warm. I bet it'll be great
tomorrow. The beans had too much water in them when they were done, but
the doneness was great, so I drained them and added a little margarine
and garlic powder. Yum, but the greens were overdone, so I'll do them
separately next time, or add them after the cooking is all done.

Very yummy dinner.
