"Nancy Young" > wrote in message
> "zxcvbob" > wrote
>> When I was a kid, mellorine* was always in square (actually rectangular)
>> cartons, and I think ice cream came in round cartons. I don't remember
>> the ice cream all that much because we couldn't afford it very often so
>> we usually had mellorine instead.
>> I haven't noticed anything labeled "mellorine" in at least 30 years. Ice
>> cream in square cartons is still usually much cheaper than ice cream sold
>> in round cartons; I wonder if that's a holdover from the mellorine days?
>> *Mellorine is a frozen dessert that resembles ice cream, but contains
>> vegetable oil or animal fat instead of much of the butterfat. Imagine
>> "ice milk" fortified with shortening.
> I have never heard of such a thing, but you suddenly reminded me of
> my elderly Irish aunt, she would buy these squarish boxes of
> Napolitan? ice cream ... chocolate, strawberry and vanilla. Thanks
> for the memory.
> nancy
This dessert reminds me of the diabetic ice cream they serve at the
assisted-living apartments where my f-i-l lives. It is sooo slick, I
wouldn't doubt a bit that they make it this way, as well as use a sugar
substitute. They forget to label it diabetic and give it to me sometimes
when I'm visiting, but now I can pick it out by sight.