Dog3 wrote:
> Arri London > wrote in :
> >
> >
> > Dog3 wrote:
> >>
> >> I got this recipe from one of my mail groups. It came from Nichilas
> >> Zhou. I am in no way affiliated with him or the company that sells
> >> the products on the link below but I am going to try to find the
> >> ingredients and make this over the weekend. I left the link in case
> >> someone can't get the ingredients. At least there is a source out
> >> there where they can be found. I'm not sure what I'll serve with it.
> >> Probably pork fried rice and maybe an Asian soup.
> >>
> >> Michael
> >
> > If you don't want to spend all the money those fungi will cost, a
> > reasonable version comes in a can in Chinese grocery shops.
> >
> I'll look around for it when I go shopping. Do you know a brand name by any
> chance? If not I'll ask at the shops and hope I can understand the answers.
> Thanks Arri.
> Michael
Think one brand is 'Companion'--that might be the one in the blue cans.
Otherwise just look in the canned goods section(s). The labels usually
have good illustrations of what's inside.