aem wrote:
> Bob (this one) wrote:
>> [snips]
>>As for experience, you offered nothing to support your "experience"
>>beyond typing it.
> Perhaps I needed to spell it out for you.
Perhaps there's nothing to spell. I'm so, so sorry I pointed that
obvious elephant in the room.
> My experience, and that of
> several others who have posted in this thread, is that our pasta
> doesn't stick.
Right. And the only reason I offered for buttering or oiling pasta was
about sticking? Can you really be that obtuse?
> Therefore, we don't have to oil it between cooking it and serving it.
Poor aem. Can't seem to follow the thought line. Can't seem to
understand that slathering pasta with sauce the instant it's cooked
isn't the only way to deal with it. Perhaps if you got someone with a
normal attention span to read you the sequence of posts, you might get a
glimmering of what has really happened here. Unfortunately.
Can't seem to grasp the idea that deleting all the information that
shows you to be a fool only reinforces it.
>>I offered my observations of the combined experience
>>of two Italian women who cooked every day of their adult lives. And
>>my further experience ....[snips]
> Your pasta sticks, apparently.
<LOLOL> Your uncomprehending posture is so cute. I can just see you
tossing frosted curls over your suntanned shoulder saying,
"what-evv-er"... Prom queen flounces and sneering dismissal - more like
a parting shot delivered with egg all over your face.
As though it bailed you out.
That manly bluster didn't work, so now it's prissy hissy...
<LOL> I can't wait for your next incarnation. Maybe a foreign accent. Or
a new wardrobe. <LOL>
> So oil it if you need to. That doesn't
> mean that the rest of us need to.
This penmartic non sequitur of yours really and sadly shows what you're
about. For some reason, you seem to have fixated on one tiny element of
pasta handling and blown it into *everything* that pasta is about. Poor
overwhelmed aem... <LOL>
So are you coming to see me demonstrate pasta cookery at the big, big
food show next week? I'll make sure they let you in. I'll introduce you
to others professionals who could be glad to explain how to cook pasta
in several languages. Maybe one could penetrate. Small hope, but charity
is a karmic thing...
> 'Nuff said.
Practice what you desperately preach.