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Hey Mike! My hero! - I had emailed you re. your 60-page pdf. but didn't
get an answer. The question remains: it's 8:41 PM & I don't want to bake
until the morning...can I just leave my starter on the counter & use it

This is pretty amazing stuff!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Avery" >
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 8:37 PM
Subject: Newbie Needs Advice on Over-Active Sourdough Starter!

> Snowleopard wrote:
>>According to everything I read, I thought that when the culture doubles in
>>3 - 6 hours it's ready to bake with. But then again, I thought it was
>>supposed to take 3 - 5 days to reach this point!
>>What do I do NOW?? Please help!

> How long it takes depends on lots of things. Quite often a starter will
> get to that point in a few days. However, if I say, "your starter will be
> ready to use in 2 days" on the web site, I'll get even more questions
> about "why doesn't my starter work?" So, I say 3 - 5 days so people will
> be a bit patient.
> What to do? Bake with it!
> Mike